Proposal Plan and Structure
Below is a plan of what we have proposed for Silvertown Quays in which we believe addresses all 6 objectives for which have been set out.
Further explanations will be given throughout the other sections such as the heritage buildings.
Colour Coded Area Plan
Mills Bridge
Studio Mooring
Canal Boat Mooring
Library, Internet Cafe + Residential
Millennium Mills
Mills Courtyard
Car park/ Drop off
Mills Boulevard
Docklands Theatre
Silver Town Nature Park + Play Park
Silo D Cafe & Amphitheatre
Theatre Edge
Canal Boat Mooring
Leisure Centre
Floating Islands
Hotel & Restaurant
Bus Linkage
Community Facility - NHS Clinic, Day Care, Adult Education
SilverTown Quays Heights
Fly Through Tour
Disclaimer - Silo D park and green open space alterations are not shown
We wanted the Mills Building to really stand out hence why there are height limits, it can be seen from Barrier Park & down the road coming in from the east. Buildings don't exceed 6 storeys around the Mills.
We opened up the water edge through the placement of decking, retail, office space, residential and leisure activities, and have made use of an alternative way of living and working on the water.
We felt it was appropriate to keep the setting of Silo D the same. If we were to lose the fauna and flora it would be a great shame. We thought the creation of a nature park would complement the heritage asset and be a nice green space where people can relax.
Mixed-use development runs throughout to ensure that people are safe thanks to active edges and have a wide variety of facilities, services and activities to cater to needs.
An explanation for the Decisions
(Hover over the images)
The Theatre
There is no immediate theatre or cinema in the area. A theatre would help attract visitors into the area and could be designed by a famous architect like Norman Foster to promote the area's world standing.
Inspiration for this arts orientated attraction has come from Aylesbury Waterside Theatre
Residential & Retail
Residential units are either separate or part of a mixed-use plot. They are high rise units to maximise the amount of housing for London. These vary in height from 6-10 storeys.
Retail creates an active edge alongside the southern road and extends up along the east road.
Waterside Structures
Mixed-use retail, residential and a hotel restaurant are proposed alongside the water edge to activate it, and to provide great views over the Royal Victoria Dock, something of interest for developers.
Due to the flight path of London Airport, it was thought best restrict people from getting any closer to the waterfront, hence why there is no dock proposed further up.
Cultural Arts Hub
With Millennium Mills having space for workshops and retail we wanted to expand potential creative talent through the placement of the Docklands theatre. With a world-class theatre, it attracts people from far and wide, which would benefit the creative class in the Mills.
Due to pedestrian nature and open space design, we wanted this area to be truly people-friendly, and so walkways could become extensions of workspaces and allow for meanwhile uses such as markets etc...
Across from the Theatre
We wanted to bring people close to the water edge which is why we have proposed a mixed-use development along this pathway. Residential and office space are situated here mainly due to the prime views offered over the dock, theatre and mills.
An active edge is created around the entire dock area ensuring the safety of people.
Residential Car Parking
Despite not being shown on any diagram it was thought that car parking could go on sections of the green designated areas. The surface could be permeable to restrict surface water development.
If at all financial and to reduce the burden on the green space underground car parking could be thought of to take cars and other vehicles out of the street.