Green & Blue Infrastructure
Below is an explanation into the green and blue networks across the site and the thinking behind the placement of said areas.
Diagram showing green and blue infrastructure across the site
We are maintaining a large section of the grasslands around Silo D seeing as it would be inappropriate to disturb it, which could harm any biodiversity present on site, so we are proposing to use this area as a nature park.
Across the area we are committed to incorporating grassy areas which could serve as event space, playing space or areas which could be used by the community for food production – encouraging a sense of stewardship. And to promote further flora throughout the area, free-standing planters can be dotted around which would add more colour into the urban environment. These can be tended by the community.
Google map view of the area around Silo D
There is tree coverage throughout the site to provide areas of shade, and a variety of trees may be planted to add diversity and uniqueness throughout the site. Reflecting upon the placements, however, there may be too many and may encourage birds to nest, which could be a nuisance to the airport, so perhaps it would be wise to scale back some of the trees.
Examples of free-standing planters
Video showing some of the proposed green and blue infrastructure
Disclaimer - Water features around the MIlls are not present
As for the water, we are maintaining the dock, so no infilling, however, we are putting forward decking which will cover some; it will greatly increase connectivity and bring people closer to the waterfront. We also would like to include some carefully designed water pools where people can sit on the edge as well as fountains to increase one’s interaction with water, the inspiration for this has come from Barton Park and Kings Cross.
We want to promote further use of roof space for social events, so we are proposing rooftop garden spaces such as on the restaurant. This space would create unique views over the site, highlighting the importance of the water.
A community rooftop garden is proposed over by the residential quarters, this space not only could be used for the production of food but for social gatherings as well.
Lowered deck to allow people to dip into the water beside the Theatre
Barton Park lowered deck
Concept sketch of green space in between the MIlls and Theatre