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Governance Arrangements and Community Participation 

 Having the right institutional, administrative and legal structures to bring together the different elements, needed for successful regeneration, is key when successfully moving from vision to reality. There is a range of possible governance structures and partnerships. The most appropriate structure for our overall project proposal will be highlighted and its potential delivery success for the regeneration scheme will be analysed. 




How does it relate to the vision and other ideas?

The aim of creating a 'well-connected cultural hub' on the site requires a range of different stakeholder involvement in order to deliver high quality design and commercial space that attracts both large and local companies.


The extent of this involvement, and therefore the results of delivery, depends heavily upon the type of governance arrangement in the area, which if appropriate to the scheme will maintain the 'quality of life' in the longterm. 



The various funding streams and sources needed to support governance structures, which can sometimes involve the community, relate strongly to the funding and economy implementation element.

Governance Arrangement Delivery Options Proposed for Our Site

Community Foundation

  • A public organisation within a larger network of 46 in the UK community foundation.

  • Each has a common commitment to changing people’s lives and the places they serve.

  • Can work directly with the government and significant stakeholders, whilst also allowing local groups to make the final decisions.

  • Provide resources to directly support those who want to undertake local regenerative projects that tackle a range of issues within society.

  • Provide funding through grants of £5000 on average and continue support after completion by connecting people with a common desire to improve their communities.


  • Grant payments fail to cover tax benefits 

  • Lack of distribution to be able to justify significance

  • Less efficient mechanism for distributing wealth than other organisations

  • Money can be invested for financial not social returns


  • Simplicity

  • Efficiency

  • Effective Leadership

  • Objectivity

  • Permanence

  • Stewardship

  • Professional Management

  • Flexibility


Public Private Partnership

  • Legally formed Agreement between a public stakeholder and a private one, often a local council and developer working together.

  • Partnerships are unique to each regeneration development, which creates distinctive delivery, as stakeholders have different interpretations.

  • The contrast between public and private also creates contrasting views, but the combination allows for more scope and possibilities.

  • These types of partnerships often create an urban regime.

  • A regeneration partnership committee or delivery board encourages communication and discussion between partners, which can be beneficial to provide more successful outcomes. 


  • Differential influence

  • Contesting views 

  • Fragmentation 

  • Different expectations 

  • Differential power 

  • Outputs is main aim

  • Contrasting ways of working

  • Necessary Contribution Only

  • Accountability and transparency 

  • Questioned whole entity control

  • Trust


  • Co-ordination 

  • Transformation 

  • Budget enlargement 

  • Capacity enlargement 

  • Solves delivery issues 

  • Secure governance leads to good regeneration

  • Combination of community and professional knowledge  

  • Increases Funding

Joint Venture and SPV

  • A business arrangement where two or more partners cooperate to pool their resources to achieve common outcomes.

  • When used effectively, with the correct intentions, it can provide significant value and huge success for all involved. 

  • Successful joint ventures work when all the parties are contributing something different; if one party is bringing money and the other skills, then that has the basis to create a great joint venture.

  • A special purpose vehicle has legal status of a separate company within the joint venture to isolate financial risk.


  • Short-term

  • Passive Investors – not involved in project, only fund

  • Share Profit

  • Lose Control


  • Accessing land

  • Securing Land

  • Unlocking Oppourtunity

  • Stronger Collaberation

  • Secure Funding

  • Gain range of experienced and specialist skills

How should these Government Arrangement Options be Supported?


  • Gives people the opportunity to pitch innovative project ideas that will make  local areas more interesting, attractive and special by building on local character: enriching peoples lives and boosting the local economy  

  • People need a vibrant campaign that illustrates local prosperity growth, and community empowerment in order to have a chance of being successful in the grant application and having a key role in the regeneration of an area.

  • There is a Royal Docks Crowd Fund that could be potentially lucrative.

Good Growth Fund

  • It is a £70 million regeneration programme delivered by the Mayor and the London Economic Action Plan (LEAP), to support growth and community development in London

  •  It encourages innovative projects, which demonstrate an outstanding approach to challenges enabling Londoners to actively participate in their local community and have a say in how their city is shaped.

  • It ensures place-based strategy delivery that welcomes growth and complements London’s diverse places, such as high streets, town centres and industrial areas and recognises their potential. 

  • Applications are open to public and private sectors, including London boroughs, community groups and charities.

  • Applicants receive expert advice and support in regeneration and design. 

Community Capacity Building

  • It promotes the capacity for local communities to develop, implement and sustain their own solutions to problems in order to exercise control over their environments in the fast-changing world, enabling people to fully participate in regenertion processes.

  • ‘Capacity’ describes the range of resources that people have like local knowledge, skills, ideas, shared experiences, and material resources, like funding. 

  • It is a continuous bottom up approach required to foster appropriate local leadership that allows communities, to take responsibility for their own development. 

  • It is the mechanism for support of communities in identifying, using and developing skills and resources.

The Overall Delivery Arrangement of the Whole Regeneration Scheme

Public Private Partnership

Similar to the Silver town partnership, a collaboration between Local Authority - GLA Team and Newham Borough and developers -  Lendlease and Starwood and Silvertown Homes

Community Foundation


Working with the West Silvertown Foundation and East London Community Foundation

Establishment of a delivery group will support collaboration in key areas and retain stakeholder presence on the site in the longterm


How will it be put into action?

Work with and fund current community organisations in order to recognise and meet the needs of the community

It has enough partners to provide a secure source of funding for costly regeneration so scheme will remain economically viable.


How is it appropriate for our scheme?

Adds knowledge of what the community require by building upon consultation and retaining the benefits of physical and social regeneration 

It provides positive co-ordination and therefore, a sense of stability within the governance of the area. This security and sense of cohesion will trickle down and lead to successful regeneration by solving delivery issues

Why is this the best method for getting our regeneration proposal on the ground? 

Focuses upon the community facilities and the activities and events that built upon the physical infrastructure and attract people to the site: generating revenue

Contesting views will create tensions and therefore a lack of trust between partners, which could fragment the regeneration outcomes

What are the potential risks and how can they be overcome?

May only be involved in big community based decisions as the other stakeholders have expertise on the overall regeneration. This differing level of power could negatively impact the regeneration outputs 

A public private partnership has large capability and capacity to deliver a successful cultural hub as the private developers specialise in creating commercial incubator space and public realm through landscaping


How does it fit in with our vision? 

Encourages the use of workspaces, by local businesses providing cultural richness, and individual  regeneration 


Heritage Strategy 

This overall governance will deliver a wealth of expertise in conservation, restoration and the best functions for heritage buildings, leading to high standard physical and social regeneration

This is a great place to tell your story and give people more insight into who you are, what you do, and why it’s all about you.


  • This overall governance is clearly the best option out of the choices explored for the project as it is a specialised mechanism for networking. 

  • It benefits all types of people as each organisation, within the partnership, contributes something different and specific.

  • It will have a large impact in the future and overtime, which will not only be felt on the site, but also the surrounding areas.

Public Participation


The community centre and other facilities should be supported by volunteers and owned by a resident led charity. It should implement crowdfunding, apply for grants and connect with the local community foundation.


Social media can be used to involve people throughout the development process by informing the community of ongoing construction and closures but also notifying them of the benefits such as meanwhile uses and events occurring as each phase is completed. This increases community engagement and attachment and increases the interest in the site. A website for the area of Silver town similar to royal docks website would be a good way of delivering this and would contribute to rebranding the area.

Case Studies

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